Adding a loft doesn't mean you have to modify your stair case

May 08, 2013 1 min read

If you live in a small space, you know the challenges associated with finding a home for all of your possessions. After all, there is only so much floor area available, and it's best to reserve that for furniture. Left with few options, many homeowners and apartment-dwellers choose to go vertically, rather than horizontally. 

Building extra shelving can be taken to the next level by choosing to install a loft. This solution depends on whether or not your home has the vertical space to support such a detail, which is why many people who live in multi-story dwellings decide that it's the right design for them. A loft can add usable square-footage where there used to be nothing, and often, doesn't require much effort. 

Since this space will need to be able to hold a lot of weight  the weight of many people, it's best to consult with a professional before undertaking such a task. First, you'll have to choose where you're planning to put this detail. Because the ceilings are higher near staircases, many people will choose the extra space in this part of the house as the location for their loft. 

Rather than messing up the steps that you love by making room around your balustrade, it's a much better idea to have a separate flight leading directly to this destination. This can be smaller - more like a ladder - but to have it blend in, consider using the same staircase newels at the top and bottom so that it matches. 

Making the most of a small space can be a challenge, but if you get creative, you can make any space into your home. 

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