Discounted Shipping offers DISCOUNTED SHIPPINGon all orders that exceed $1600.00 in parts (does not include any taxes that may apply) shipped within the continental United States. Exception: If the “actual” calculated shipping rate exceeds 10% of the value of the items to be shipped then you will be asked to pay the remainder.

    • Example: The parts total on your order is $1950.00 and the actual calculated shipping rate is $275. You will be asked to provide an additional $80 in shipping charges. A member of StairPartsUSA’s customer service team will contact you if this occurs after your order is placed.

  • Orders not exceeding $1600 are charged normal shipping rates according to weight, size, and distance to the delivery point from the shipping point using the appropriate shipping method.

  • Orders are shipped via FedEx Ground, UPS GROUND, UPS FREIGHT or alternate truck lines at the discretion of StairPartsUSA. Orders that exceed 100lbs are typically shipped via UPS FREIGHT. Orders that contain items exceeding 8 feet are always shipped via UPS FREIGHT or an alternate truck line.