Metal balustrades are popular in stone staircases

May 01, 2013 2 min read

Though traditional steps are still by far the most popular kind used by most homeowners, more modern structures made of nontraditional materials continue to gain traction. One such staircase that has become more prominent recently is the kind made of stone. Previously reserved for outside use only, it turns out that a stone staircase can be surprisingly welcoming inside as well. 

These striking flights work well in modern homes, and have an effect similar to that of a brick or stone accent wall. Many architects and designers have employed the stone staircase as a kind of neutral way to pull the varying textures of the room together.

However, especially if you have kids, you also have to consider safety when thinking about adding one of these bold accents to your home. After all, little ones have been known to take a spill now and then, and the last thing you want is for them to become seriously injured on the stone. 

Therefore, it's a good idea to make sure that this staircase has all of the proper features for safety, so that while it may look interesting, it is easy and not dangerous for anyone to walk on. 

A stainless steel balustrade both looks nice and will provide everyone who walks down the steps with ample opportunities to hold on and keep from falling. Especially if you have this kind of staircase in your house, you might also consider adding a second, lower hand rail so that your children can maintain their balance more easily while walking down the stairs. 

Finally, if you have a very small child, make sure that you can put a baby gate at the top so that they don't fall down accidentally. 

Even if you have a family, you can make a bold style like a stone staircase work for the interior of your home. 

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