Prevent a potential hazard at the starting step of your staircase

February 21, 2013 2 min read

Staircases are a functional necessity in most homes, as they are the easiest means of travel between floors. Thanks to the vast array of stair parts and staircase designs available to homeowners, these structures also play a big role in determining the overall aesthetic of a house's interior. However, aside from beauty, homeowners need to consider safety when deciding upon the layout of their staircase. This is especially true of households that include small children or the elderly, who may be prone to losing their balance on a poorly thought-out flight. Even adults risk their safety when they have a staircase that isn't constructed with the needs of the family in mind.

One big issue that could cause a person of any age to fumble when going up the stairs is the starting step. Often, this first tread will be longer than the others on the flight, which may cause the person ascending the staircase to misjudge their foot placement when they take their next step. In a worst-case scenario, this person could take a painful fall that results in a serious injury.

While you don't have to compromise a beautiful starting step at the base of your staircase, consider the members of your family who may already have mobility problems before choosing a curved or over-extending design that potentially increases the odds of catastrophe.

If you already have a staircase with this kind of tread at the base of the structure, you don't have to necessarily replace it to make it safer. Consider adding tread pads to the flight that will allow those traveling up and down the structure to enjoy better footing, which will in turn help them recover faster if they begin to lose their balance.

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